Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions I get about working together.

If you don't see your question answered below, contact me

  • Schedule a Free Video Consultation

    From the comfort of your home, book a stress-free consultation on the day and time that works best for you and your teen. You will get a HIPAA-compliant virtual meeting link to see what it’s like to talk with me. It will be casual, you don't need to come prepared with anything.

    The 15 minute consultation is an opportunity for me to hear a little bit about what is going on for your child and for me to share how I can support them. You and your teen can also use this time to ask questions about me and my practice to ensure I am the right fit.

    If we decide that we’re not a good fit, I will help you find someone that will be able to help you.

  • I am 100% virtual at this time.

    Working with pre-teens and teens via video is great because they can stay comfortable in their own space, whether they're lounging in their favorite hoodie or curled up on their bed with a cozy blanket. Being in a familiar environment helps them feel more at ease, making it easier for them to relax, open up, and engage more fully in therapy!

    To ensure that this format works well for your teen, I offer a free 15 minute video consultation. This gives us all a chance to see if we're a good fit before committing to regular sessions.

    If after our initial meeting you feel that in-person sessions would be a better option, I completely understand and am happy to help you find a therapist who offers in-person services. My goal is to make sure your teen gets the support they need in the way that works best for them.

  • It’s just like in-person therapy, but your child can access it from the comfort of home—usually right from their own room!

    A link to the telehealth session will be sent to you (and them if you provide their contact info) via email and text once an appointment is scheduled. A reminder will go out as well. Simply click the link at the time of the appointment to start the session.

    Just make sure they are in a safe, private, and confidential space. I will not hold sessions when a client is driving or with other people in the room.

  • Your level of involvement is based, in part, on your child’s age. You will be regularly informed about what we are working on together, but the specifics of our conversations will remain confidential (unless there is a safety concern).

    It is fair to expect that you will occasionally be asked to join in sessions. We can discuss these details as we begin working together.

  • Every teen is unique, so the exact number of sessions can differ based on their specific needs. Progress depends on their individual goals, how often they attend sessions, and how motivated they are to work on things outside of therapy. 

    Typically, teens who come in weekly start to see positive changes as soon as the first month and might expect to graduate from services within 3-6 months. Others may prefer to update their goals as they achieve them and keep working together for longer periods of time. The key to getting the best results in therapy is regular attendance and active participation.

  • I am an Out-Of Network (OON) provider. I do not accept insurance at this time.

    Please check with your insurance to see if you have Out of Network Benefits, I can provide you with a summary of services (i.e. a Superbill) to submit to your insurance company for possible coverage or reimbursement. Most insurance plans cover 60%-80%. That being said, I cannot guarantee reimbursement of therapy fees.

    Questions to Ask Your Insurance Provider

    Below is a list of questions you can ask your insurance company to find out more information on your benefits:

    • What are my out-of-network benefits for mental health?

    • What is the percentage of reimbursement per session?

    • What is needed for reimbursement?

  • When you pay out of pocket or “private pay”you can find the best therapist for your child instead of having to choose an in-network therapist that may not be the best fit. 

    Considerations for Using Insurance:

    • Insurance companies require that a client be given a “diagnosis” in order to process the claim. Teenagers, who are still developing their identities, are especially prone to take psychological labels to heart.

    • Insurance companies reimburse treatment types based on “medical necessity.” If your diagnosis and treatment type are not considered medically necessary your insurance could refuse to cover your treatment.

      Common issues in teens that may not be covered include: self-esteem issues, relationship stress (friends, family, and romantic), academic and career development, general life stress, identity exploration, and non-specific emotional distress like general feelings of sadness, frustration, or anger.

    • Your insurance company will have access to your entire record and mental health diagnoses may impact your child's ability to obtain life or health insurance and certain jobs in the future.

    • Insurance companies can limit the number of sessions and the length of time each session can last.

    • If an insurance claim is denied, you’re still responsible for the full cost of the services provided.

    By choosing private pay therapy, you are allowing for a more personalized and comprehensive therapeutic experience.

  • Therapy is an investment. It’s an investment of time, energy, and money. It is also an investment in your child's mental health, future, and overall well-being.

    My fee is $220 for individuals and families per 50 min session. Sessions can occur weekly or every 2 weeks depending on your teen’s needs and goals. 

    I take your investment seriously and do quite a bit of behind the scenes work outside of our counseling sessions so I may serve your child better. This includes communicating with you, your teen, their pediatrician, psychiatrist, school counselor/school staff, and any other professional related to your child's wellness, as well as researching, learning, attending advanced trainings, gathering resources and developing personalized strategies to support your child’s progress.

  • You will be charged the full fee for canceled or rescheduled sessions with less than 24 hours notice. In the event of an unavoidable conflict or emergency, we may be able to make other arrangements to avoid the cancellation fee.

    I reserve your appointment time just for your child. By carefully limiting the number of clients I choose to work with at any given time, it allows me to serve you and your teen best. 

    This policy reflects the commitment we are both making to dedicate our time and resources to working with eachother.

  • You have the right to receive a "Good Faith Estimate" explaining how much services will cost.

    On January 1, 2022, congress enacted a "No Surprises Act", which is a "new federal protection against surprise medical bills".  Surprise medical bills arise when insured consumers inadvertently receive care from out-of-network hospitals, doctors, or other providers they did not choose.

    Under the law, healthcare providers, including mental health providers, must give clients who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for services. You have the right to ask for and receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your therapy will cost, ahead of any scheduled services and also upon request. 

    Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services.

    You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. This includes related costs like medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees.

    • Make sure your health care provider gives you a Good Faith Estimate in writing at least 1 business day before your medical service or item. You can also ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule an item or service.

    • If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill.

    • Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate.

    • For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit or call 800-985-3059

    There will never be any surprise fees as you will be clearly informed of the cost per session before our first appointment. If you have any concerns, please feel free to reach out to Lane regarding charges, fees, or any questions related to billing.