Online Counseling for

Anxious & Stressed Teens 

Teen girl relaxing and breathing calmly after therapy session.

Helping your teen find ways to tackle overwhelming worry and stress so they can feel calm and in control again.

You hear them expressing constant worries:

What if something bad happens?" or "I can't do it."

You notice they are more irritable, snapping at small things, and seem to have a constant sense of dread. They complain of headaches, stomachaches, or “just not feeling good”. You can see the frustration and sadness in their eyes as they struggle to articulate what they’re feeling.

When you ask about their day, you get one-word answers or silence. They seem distant, lost in their thoughts, and the connection you once shared feels strained. Instead of joining the family or engaging in activities they once loved, they go to their room, isolating themselves. You find them staring at their homework, unable to concentrate. You hear the faint sounds of crying or frustrated sighs through their closed door, but when you knock and ask if they’re okay, they respond with “I’m fine.”

You receive calls from teachers concerned about their lack of concentration and participation in class. They express fears about going to school, worrying about grades and social interactions. You watch as they become easily overwhelmed, their anxiety paralyzing them.

You feel helpless. You long to ease their pain, to bring back the joy and confidence they once had, but you’re unsure how to reach them. The constant worry about their well-being is a heavy burden, and all you want is to see your child happy and carefree again

You’re ready to:

  • Help your teen discover what’s really behind their anxiety and stress

  • Equip your teen with custom-tailored coping strategies that help them tackle anxiety head-on and feel more in control.

  • Boost your teen’s resilience and confidence

  • Ensure that your teen’s emotional needs are being addressed and supported with specialized guidance

  • Get your teen back to feeling happy and excited about the future

Here’s how we’ll work together:

I will help your teen…

  • We’ll start by understanding the specific triggers and patterns of your teen’s anxiety and stress. Through compassionate conversation and evidence-based techniques, we’ll explore the root causes of their distress, whether it’s school pressure, social anxiety, family dynamics, or a combination of stressors.

  • Next, I’ll teach your teen practical coping strategies tailored to their unique needs. These might include mindfulness exercises to stay grounded in the present moment, cognitive-behavioral techniques to challenge and change negative thought patterns, and relaxation methods to reduce physical symptoms of anxiety. We’ll practice these skills in a safe and supportive environment, so your teen feels confident using them in real life.

  • Finally, we’ll focus on building resilience and self-compassion. I’ll help your teen develop a stronger sense of self-worth and the ability to bounce back from setbacks. We’ll work on fostering positive self-talk, setting realistic goals, and celebrating their progress, no matter how small.

Let’s show your teen that they are more than their anxiety— they control their thoughts, not the other way around.

Your child wakes up looking refreshed and ready to face the day with a newfound sense of calm and confidence. When they come home from school, your teen no longer retreats to their room. Instead, they join you in the kitchen, sharing stories about their day.

The door to their room is often left open, and you hear them talking to friends on the phone, making plans to hang out, and re-engaging with the activities they love. At family dinners, they participate more, contributing to the conversation and even cracking a joke or two. When you ask about their day, they no longer hide behind one-word answers or silence.

You notice them handling stressful situations more easily, taking deep breaths, and using the coping strategies they’ve learned in therapy. Their patience has improved, and they no longer snap at small things. You get positive emails and calls from their teachers who report increased focus and participation in class. Their grades are improving.

The anxiety and stress that once overshadowed their life are now being managed, and you can see their confidence and happiness returning.


Your child’s journey with anxiety is just one part of their amazing life.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Teen Anxiety and Stress

  • Common signs of anxiety in teens include excessive worrying, restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, racing heart, trouble breathing, stomach issues, headaches, and sleep struggles.

    We all experience anxiety- it is a natural response to stress or an external threat and can even be helpful in some situations. It becomes a problem when it interferes with daily life.

    If you find your teen constantly worried or stressed and it's affecting their school, relationships, or activities, they are likely experiencing anxiety and can benefit from counseling support.

  • Teen years are filled with many changes and pressures, including schoolwork, extracurricular activities, social dynamics, and family expectations. These factors can all contribute to feelings of stress (the body’s response to external demands). Additionally, hormonal changes and developing brains can make it harder to cope with stress. 

    Learning effective stress management techniques, such as time management, relaxation exercises, and healthy lifestyle choices, can help reduce their stress levels which in turn will reduce their anxiety.

    You can offer your support, understanding, and help in finding them a counselor.

  • Counseling support can provide your child with coping strategies and tools to manage their anxiety and discomfort in social situations.

    Sometimes, accommodations at school, such as extra time for tests or meetings with the school counselor, can also be helpful.

    There are quite a few things you can do as a parent to help with this process. Please take a look at this resource for more specific strategies: Tips for Parents/Guardians

  • Therapy can help your teen understand what triggers their anxiety and how to manage it. They will learn practical techniques like deep breathing exercises, mindfulness practices, executive functioning skills, and strategies to challenge negative thinking patterns. Through counseling, your teen will gain valuable skills to cope with life stressors, build resilience, and regain a sense of control over their emotions. 

    With therapy, your teen can experience:

    • Better Academic Performance: They will be able to concentrate better and manage anxiety during exams and important tests, leading to improved grades and more positive feedback from teachers.

    • Enhanced Social Life: They will feel more comfortable and confident in social situations, rebuilding connections with friends and making new ones.

    • Improved Sleep: No more lying awake at night filled with worries. They will experience what it's like to sleep soundly, waking up refreshed and ready to face the day.

    • Overall Well-being: They will rediscover the joy in everyday activities, feeling happier and more optimistic about the future.

  • Your teen can expect a warm and supportive environment. We'll start by discussing what they're experiencing and set clear goals for our work together. I'll guide them through exercises to help them understand their anxiety better and teach them coping strategies they can use in their daily life.

    Sessions are interactive, and your teen will have the chance to practice new skills with my guidance. I'll provide feedback and encouragement every step of the way, ensuring they feel supported and empowered.

    Together, we'll work towards reducing their anxiety and improving their overall well-being.

Fill out the contact form and I will get back to you within 24 hours.