Online Counseling

for Angry Teens


Lavender field symbolizing peace and healing from therapy for teen anger and family conflict.

Helping your teen to make sense of their intense emotions and discover healthier ways to express and handle their anger and frustration.

Your days are filled with frequent outbursts, heated arguments, and moments of intense frustration.

Your teen’s temper flares unexpectedly over seemingly small issues, like unfinished homework, conflicts with siblings, or not getting their way. Slamming doors, yelling, the silent treatment… simple disagreements can escalate quickly, leaving everyone tense, exhausted, and feeling misunderstood.

You see they are struggling to cope with their intense emotions. Your teen’s once-open communication is replaced by short responses, outright defiance, or silent brooding. Peaceful moments seem fleeting. There are times when you feel unsure of how to approach them, worrying that any attempt to intervene might exacerbate their anger or cause further withdrawal. The misunderstandings and hurtful words exchanged in the heat of the moment begin to pile up

Yet, you also see glimpses of your teen’s vulnerability and the pain they are clearly carrying under the surface. You see their regret and sadness after an anger episode and you recognize their efforts to try and control their emotions, even if it is unsuccessful. Beyond the outbursts, you witness the toll it takes on their overall well-being. Guilt and frustration weigh heavily on both of you, as you continue to hope for peace and harmony within your home…


  • Help your teen understand what’s really driving their anger

  • Equip your teen with effective, personalized coping strategies to work through feelings of frustration, resentment, and overwhelm

  • Watch your teen handle conflict and express their emotions in healthier ways

  • Strengthen your teen’s ability to communicate openly and respectfully with family and peers

  • Feel confident that your teen’s emotional needs are being addressed and supported with specialized guidance

Here’s how we’ll work together:

I will help your teen…

  • First, we'll work together to understand the specific situations and patterns that trigger your teen's anger and frustration. By identifying these triggers, we can develop strategies to manage and reduce these reactions.

  • Next, I'll teach your teen practical coping mechanisms to handle their anger in healthier ways. Instead of having an outburst or shutting down, your teen will learn techniques for relaxation, communication, and problem-solving that they can use in their daily lives.

  • Lastly, we'll focus on improving the communication between you and your teen. Your teen will learn how to express their feelings calmly and respectfully, By fostering open, honest, and respectful dialogue, we’ll rebuild trust and strengthen your relationship.

Let’s help your teen realize they have control over their emotions and how they choose to respond to them.

Your teen starts expressing their frustrations more calmly and clearly.

Instead of explosive outbursts or shutting down completely, they learn to identify their triggers and use coping strategies to diffuse their anger. You witness them pausing before reacting, taking deep breaths, or walking away to cool down. They listen more and have the tools to express their feelings more constructively. There's less conflict and more moments of connection and mutual respect.

They start to acknowledge the impact of their words and actions on your relationship and a willingness to repair any damage caused by their anger. Your home feels calmer.  You see your relationship with your teen strengthen. Communication between you and your teen improves. You now have a deeper understanding of each other's perspectives. You find yourselves having more meaningful conversations and compromises where both of you feel heard and validated.

You feel a sense of relief and pride as you witness your teen's growth. They're developing into a more emotionally resilient individual, capable of managing anger constructively and maintaining positive relationships. Your family has found a path forward, filled with understanding, empathy, and a renewed sense of closeness.


Your child’s journey with anger is just one part of their amazing life.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Anger Management Therapy for Teens

  • Arguments with parents are common during the teenage years because your teen is growing and seeking more independence, while you are trying to protect and guide them. This can create conflicts over rules, responsibilities, and freedoms.

    Counseling can help you and your teen understand each other's perspectives and develop better ways to communicate and resolve conflicts.

  • You have frequent arguments, communication breakdowns, a lack of trust, emotional distance, and your teen is withdrawing or acting out.

    Other indicators might be your teen expressing feelings of being misunderstood or unheard, and significant changes in their behavior, mood, or academic performance.

  • Counseling can provide a neutral space where both you and your teen can express your feelings and concerns without fear of judgment. I can help you both improve communication, address underlying issues that are causing tension in the relationship, and find healthy ways to resolve conflicts. Counseling can help you understand each other better.

  • Therapy will help your teen explore the underlying emotions and triggers behind their anger outbursts. In counseling, we'll work on identifying specific situations or thoughts that lead to anger and develop strategies to cope with these feelings constructively.

    Your teen will learn techniques like deep breathing, mindfulness, and assertive communication to express their emotions effectively. Together, we'll explore healthy ways to manage stress and frustration, promoting better self-control and emotional regulation.

  • Your teen can expect a collaborative and supportive environment. We'll begin by discussing their experiences with anger, including what triggers their emotions and how they typically respond.

    I'll listen actively and help your teen understand the thoughts and feelings driving their anger. Together, we'll practice relaxation techniques and role-play scenarios to develop new coping skills. Your teen will learn strategies to recognize early signs of anger, pause before reacting impulsively, and communicate their needs calmly.

    Counseling sessions will focus on empowering your teen to manage anger constructively and foster healthier relationships with peers and family.

Fill out the contact form and I will get back to you within 24 hours.